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Recognition of a Foreign Qualification (§16d Residence Act)

10.06.2024 - Artikel

Documents and certificates are to be provided in German or English. Should your documents be issued in any other language, please provide the original with an official translation into German or English.

Certificates, diplomas, etc. must be presented in the original with apostille/legalisation.

Your passport and Civil ID will be returned to you after having been checked by the Visa Section. All other original documents will be returned to you once your application has been processed.

Missing documentation delays the procedure and can result in your application being rejected.

Forged or falsified documents, will result in an immediate refusal of your visa application and a possible entry ban.

List of required documents:

  1. National Visa Application form
    One duly filled (in English or German) and signed application form. Please use the VIDEX application form for National visas in order to speed up the application process and to reduce your waiting time.
  2. Visa fees
    The visa fee for applicants from the age of 18 or older is 75,- Euros, for applicants up to the age of 17 is 37,50- Euros. The fee is to be paid in cash in KWD (according to the current Embassy exchange rate) at the Visa Section when applying.
  3. Passport
    Valid, non-damaged, signed by the passport holder if he/she is above the age of 10, issued within the past 10 years, minimum of two empty pages.
    Please provide your original passport as well as any previous passports (if available) together with one copy of the data page.
  4. Biometric photo
    One recent (not older than 6 months) biometrical passport photograph with a white background (3.5 cm x 4.5 cm). The photo has to show the facial features from the chin to the hairline as well as the left and right half of the face. Please see the sample chart for passport photos on the website.
  5. Proof of residence in Kuwait
    Colored copy (front and back) of your valid Kuwaiti Civil ID.
  6. Curriculum Vitae
    Applicant’s Curriculum Vitae, showing academic and professional background.
  7. Qualification

    Original University degree or certificate of vocational training with recognition from the country where it was obtained
    Certificates of prior working experience

  8. Language skills
    Proof of German language skills at least at level A2, for medical professionals at least level B1 or higher in the form of a recognised language diploma.
  9. Documents regarding your qualification
    For general information on the recognition process please visit www.anerkennung-in-deutschland.de

    1. Notice of partial equivalence (Defizitbescheid) §16d I and II Residence Act
    The formal recognition process has already been completed and you received the Notice issued by the responsible Federal State authority in Germany, which elaborates on the main differences between the foreign occupation and the German reference occupation to allow targeted further training to be dispensed. In regards to the regulated professions, exact adaption measures are laid out.

    Depending on the deficits mentioned, the following documents need to be provided:

    a) a theoretical qualification measure is required
    - registration confirmation for participation in a theoretical course or
    - confirmation of an in-company training measure with a detailed plan/timetable of the intended curriculum or
    - registration confirmation of a course preparing for a necessary knowledge test
    - information by the institute providing the measure in regards to its status (licensed by the state, recipient of government grants, participant in state funded programs etc.)

    b) a practical qualification measure is required
    - declaration regarding a contract of employment (Erklärung zum Beschäftigungsverhältnis) and Appendix A (Zusatzblatt A) for a concrete job offer, to be completed and duly signed by the future employer
    - Training plan which indicates who is responsible for your training and how the deficits identified in the notice of partial equivalence are to be compensated
    - details of the planned remuneration

    c) the Equivalence Exam (Kenntnisprüfung) is required
    Registration confirmation to participate in the exam, if applicable registration confirmation of a course preparing for the test.

    d) a language course is required
    Registration confirmation for a language course by a language school, indicating the number of lessons per week (at least 18 hours / week). The course fees have to be pre-paid in full.

    2. Acknowledgement Partnership (Anerkennungspartnerschaft) §16d III Residence Act
    Should you intend to enter Germany in order to start or complete the formal recognition while already working in Germany in your area of training, you have to submit all of the following documents:

    - Confirmation by the Central Office for Foreign Education (ZAB) that your vocational training is officially recognized in the country where it was obtained
    - declaration regarding a contract of employment (Erklärung zum Beschäftigungsverhältnis) and Appendix A (Zusatzblatt A) for a concrete job offer, to be completed and duly signed by the future employer
    - written agreement between you and your employer, that you commit to start the formal recognition process of your training immediately after entering Germany (if not before) and that your employer will enable you to complete the necessary qualification measures (as stipulated during the recognition process) within three years of entering Germany

    Should your intended employment require a professional license to practice in your field (Berufsausübungserlaubnis), you employer must provide information that:
    - the employment is bound by a collective agreement (Tarifbindung) and your working conditions are in accordance with it or
    - the employer is bound by Church law and your working conditions are in accordance with it or
    - the employer is a care institution licensed in accordance with §72 SGB XI
    - the current employment will lead to the intended employment after the recognition process is completed

    As this information can only be ascertained by your intended employer, please refer to them to the Federal Employment Agency for further information, if they have further questions on which documents need to be provided from their side.

    3. Skills Analysis (Qualifikationsanalyse) §16d VI Residence Act
    Should you have started your recognition procedure but have been informed by the competent authority in Germany that they are unable to finish the process due to missing documentation (which cannot be obtained by you); the Competent authority decides whether a skills analysis is possible. If this is the case, the competent authority will advise you on all issues relating to the procedure.

    Please provide the following documents:
    - Invitation to participate in the skills analysis exam

  10. Proof of finance

    In order to stay in Germany during the recognition procedure of your foreign qualification, you will need to have a minimum of 1.160,- Euro / month at your disposal.
    You can proof sufficient financial means by:

    a) Contract of employment for the period of time until full recognition of the foreign degree is obtained (usually in your intended field of work): declaration regarding a contract of employment (Erklärung zum Beschäftigungsverhältnis) for a concrete job offer, to be completed and duly signed by the future employer
    Please note: this option is generally not available to you if you intend to enter Germany for the skills analysis, as this only allows for no more than 20 hours / week, so you will have to show sufficient financial means by option b) or c).

    b) Blocked account at a German Bank with a blocked amount of 1.160- Euro per month.
    A blocked account is also necessary if you are employed but your salary does not meet the threshold of 1.1160 Euro. The difference can be covered by the blocked account.

    c) Formal obligation according to §§66-68 AufenthG (Act on the Residence, Economic Activity and Integration of Foreigners in the Federal Territory) for the entire duration of stay, by a person with permanent residence in Germany

  11. Applicants 45 years of age or older
    Applicants who are 45 years of age or older and whose yearly salary is below 48.180,-- €, need to provide proof of adequate contribution to a German Pension fund / pension insurance.
  12. Health insurance

    Certificate of compulsory health insurance from your German employer valid from date of employment.
    Please note: If not already included in the compulsory health insurance, a separate travel health insurance has to be presented for the time from arrival in Germany until beginning of employment.

The German Embassy Kuwait reserves the right to ask for additional documents and /or call applicant for an interview at any time.

Information sheet Recognition of a Foreign Qualification (§16d Residence Act)

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