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Family Reunion to a family member in Germany – spouse and / or child (§§27, 28, 29, 30, 32, 36, 36a Residence Act)

10.06.2024 - Artikel

Documents and certificates are to be provided in German or English. Should your documents be issued in any other language, please provide the original with an official translation into German or English.

Certificates, diplomas, etc. must be presented in the original with apostille/legalisation.

Your passport and Civil ID will be returned to you after having been checked by the Visa Section. All other original documents will be returned to you once your application has been processed.

Missing documentation delays the procedure and can result in your application being rejected.

Forged or falsified documents, will result in an immediate refusal of your visa application and a possible entry ban.

List of required documents:

  1. National Visa Application form
    One duly filled (in English or German) and signed application form. Please use the VIDEX application form for National visas in order to speed up the application process and to reduce your waiting time.
  2. Visa fees
    The visa fee for applicants from the age of 18 or older is 75,- Euros, for applicants up to the age of 17 is 37,50- Euros. The fee is to be paid in cash in KWD (according to the current Embassy exchange rate) at the Visa Section when applying.
  3. Passport
    Valid, non-damaged, signed by the passport holder if he/she is above the age of 10, issued within the past 10 years, minimum of two empty pages.
    Please provide your original passport as well as any previous passports (if available) together with one copy of the data page.
  4. Biometric photo
    One recent (not older than 6 months) biometrical passport photograph with a white background (3.5 cm x 4.5 cm). The photo has to show the facial features from the chin to the hairline as well as the left and right half of the face. Please see the sample chart for passport photos on the website.
  5. Proof of residence in Kuwait
    Colored copy (front and back) of your valid Kuwaiti Civil ID.
  6. Marriage Certificate

    Original marriage certificate from the state of Kuwait, stating personal data of both spouses as well as of their proxy (if applicable) and witnesses.
    In case of marriage by proxy, please provide the power of attorney for the proxy.
    Should your marriage have been conducted outside the State of Kuwait, please present the marriage document issued according to the laws applicable in the country where the marriage took place. You can find information on the required documents on the websites of the German mission in the respective country.
    If the child applying for family reunion or the child living in Germany is already married, please provide their respective marriage certificate as well.

  7. Birth Certificate
    Original Birth certificate of the applicant as well as the birth certificate of the reference person in Germany.
  8. In case of divorce / death of former spouse
    Should the parents or the spouse be divorced or a parent/spouse be deceased, please provide the original divorce / original death certificate.
  9. Language skills
    Family reunion to a spouse living in Germany requires the applicant to provide proof of language proficiency (minimum) Level A1 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. It is up to the applicant how he/she acquires the needed language skills. The language certificate must be issued according to the standards of the Association of Language Testers in Europe.
    This is currently true for the following certificates:

    - “Start Deutsch 1” from Goethe-Institute or of telc GmbH (The European Language Certificate)
    - “Grundstufe Deutsch 1” of the Austrian Language Diploma (ÖSD)
    - “TestDaF” of the TestDaF Institute

    Children applying for family reunion who are 16 years of age or older need to provide proof of language proficiency (minimum) Level C1 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

    Under certain circumstance you can be exempted from providing proof of sufficient language skills. For further information please see the following information sheet provided by the BAMF. Should you think that one of the exemptions apply to your case, please provide proof at the time of your application.

  10. Documents of the reference person living in Germany

    - Data page as well as further pages containing personal data of the national passport / travel document for refugees
    - Residence permit in Germany
    - Certificate of residence in Germany (“Meldebescheinigung”), not older than 6 months
    - Rental agreement
    - Work contract / Integration course participation / internship letter / Language skills or alike

    Additional documents for family members with protection status in Germany:
    - The decision of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (“BAMF Bescheid”): all pages, including proof of when it was received
    - Timely notification according to §29 II AufenthG (does not apply to subsidiary protection)

  11. Health insurance
    Please ensure that you have family health insurance through your family member.

The German Embassy Kuwait reserves the right to ask for additional documents and /or call applicant for an interview at any time.

Information sheet Family Reunion to a family member in Germany – spouse and / or child (§§27, 28, 29, 30, 32, 36, 36a Residence Act)

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